23 Jul

A Banana is a healthy fruit that is rich in vitamins such as vitamin B6 and vitamin C. Without bananas, we wouldn't have quality smoothies and good tasting cereals. As a dog lover, you are most probably wondering whether your dog can enjoy a good tasting cereal snack. So we will answer the question, can dogs eat bananas?

The Answer is Yes and No

Thanks domestication, dogs literally eat anything that looks or smells delicious especially when they are stray dogs are very hungry. Though dogs are domesticated, their digestion system has changed little. As per dogcarehelp.com One banana peel is good for your dog as it will benefit from the rich fiber contained in the banana. However, as with everything in this world, too much of it is dangerous. Excessive banana peels will result to a digestive problem with your dog. If it pukes, that's a good thing as it will be OK three hours.

Can Dogs Eat Bananas

What About Dried Bananas?

In humans, dried bananas are crunchy and safe to eat, but this is not the case when it comes to dogs. This is because it contains a very high concentration of sugar which might result in a cavity.

Are Bananas Good for Dogs?

Bananas are good for humans, but are bananas good for dogs? Yes, dogs will benefit from important nutrients such as potassium especially if it lacks the recommended amount. Other important nutrients that a dog benefits from include magnesium, biotin, and copper.

Warning: Do not overfeed your dogs as this will result in health complications.

How safe are Bananas for Dogs?

It is time to answer the million dollar question, are bananas safe for dogs? Since there is no foreign substance that can kill your best friend it is logical to conclude that a banana peel is safe for your dog. However, it is prudent to protect it from stomach upsets.

It is OK for dogs to eat banana peels as they are healthy and tasty. Bananas should never be given as a substitute to healthy meals. A banana should be a treat.

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